Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Perfect Ways of Choosing an Engineering College

It is a well-established fact that clearing an engineering examination is nothing less than a herculean task. But what comes after that is also not a cake walk. After clearing an engineering examination, students and their parents have to do a lot of brain storming to choose the right college. This is a ‘make it or break it’ situation for a student as choosing a wrong college could really hamper his future.

Therefore, it is very important for a student to choose the right engineering college. But when we say right, what do we mean by it? What kind of benchmark we set when we decide to opt for any college? After doing a lot of research, we have come up with a few ideas which would really help the students to choose the right engineering college for themselves:
  1. Faculty: Perhaps the most important factor of choosing any college is its faculty. A college is as good as the faculty it has. A student must do full research on college’s professors, lecturers, readers, teachers-student ratio and so on. One can also check the qualification of the faculty on the college website. Usually, a reputed college carries the details of their faculty on its website.
  2. Infrastructure: The 2nd most important factor before opting for any engineering college is its infrastructure. A good infrastructure does not always mean a lavish building and extra-ordinary interiors. It means a college must have enough classrooms, a library filled with all the subject related books etc. For an out of station student, the most important part is of course the hostel. The best way to check out the infrastructure of any college is to visit it personally, or one can also make an enquiry about it from the alumni or from the present students it has.
  3. Placement record: To be very frank, we all study so that we are able to manage to get a placement in a reputed company and earn high. After all, there’s no denial that money plays an important part in our survival. Usually, best engineering colleges manage to get their students recruited in the best companies. Therefore, choosing a college having a great track record of placements is never a bad idea.
  4. Recognition: Though it is not an important criterion if one is getting admission in the government college, as it is approved by the government. But when it comes to a private college, one must do a thorough enquiry about the status of that college, as nowadays, there’s a chain of fake college and universities which have ruined the career of many aspiring engineering students.
Engineering colleges of Dehradun (Uttarakhand) are known to have all the properties of becoming a perfect college of your choice. The engineers it produces every year are creating their name all over the world.
So, choose the college of your choice and make your future the way you like.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Crack the Engineering Entrance Following an Expert Advice

There are vast number of engineering colleges and universities all over India in which thousands of future engineers are preparing. Out of all these, engineering colleges of Dehradun Uttarakhand holds a special place.  They are always known for its class and excellence among the students.

The word engineering itself contains something which excites both students and their parents. Majority of the Indian parents want their child to become an engineer. It is one of the most reputed and path defining careers. But to become a one, a student must clear an engineering entrance examination which is also known as Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), and to be very frank, cracking this entrance is not a cake walk by any mean. It needs proper dedication and guidance.

Nobody is born genius; everyone has to work hard to attain success. Have you ever wondered why only handful of students is able to crack the entrance exam while the others fumble? The biggest difference between them is the way of preparation. 

There are few tips, following which, the road to become an engineer might become a bit easy:

Right Execution: A perfect plan and a smart execution can lead you to a path of success. Before any examination, every student makes a plan and toils hard to achieve it, but not everyone manages to execute his plan. A student must spend more time on those topics which they find tough, along with that they should keep revising the topics which they find easy.
Right Focus: A student must prepare himself mentally and should keep a positive approach and right focus towards his goal. The competition these days are so immense that one must raise their performance level to crack the exam.
Right Study Material: Market is filled with vast number of competition books, where every book seems to be better than the other. This problem of plenty may jeopardize your chances, as preparing from many books may create a state of confusion during revision. Therefore one must decide the study material in a way that it could get revised very easily, because more revision means clear concept. This brings you closer to cracking the examination.
Right Companion: One must choose his friends and group wisely. With a good company, you can discuss about things related to studies which enhances your knowledge. Whereas, a bad company may spoil your chances of cracking this exam.   

Following all the above basic parameters, we hope, student would now find it a bit easy, and prepare with a new energy.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

MBBS: A perfect way of Serving Society and Ourselves

Choosing medical field after 12th always seems fascinating both to students and their parents. By opting for this field they find ample number of options in front of them, they can do MBBS, Nursing, dentistry, etc.

Out of all the courses mentioned above, MBBS is the one that has most number of students enrolled. MBBS (Bachelor in science, bachelor in surgery) is a highly challenging but extremely rewarding undergraduate academic program which gives you the medical, clinical and research skill.

Before going for this field, a student must fulfill some basic criteria. First of all, a student must be having a combination of subjects like physics, chemistry and biology and have secured at least 60% marks in his 12th board exams. Every year in the month of May, an entrance exam is conducted for the admission in various medical courses. The candidate needs to secure the set cut off marks in these examinations and must go through the counseling process afterwards, to finally get admission in the university.

MBBS is one of the top most professional medical courses in India which comprises 9 semesters to be completed in a four and a half year time span. This course requires advanced skills and knowledge to work efficiently and effectively in the field of medicine and surgery. After completing all the semesters, the student has to undergo a one year mandatory internship program in any reputed hospital. MBBS in India is controlled by the Medical council of India, which is a statutory body.

Some of the advantages of MBBS are as follows:
  • Highly respected job: A person who has done MBBS can practice as a doctor, and we all know the kind of status doctors holds in the society.
  • Mental satisfaction: Today the most basic excuse a working person has is that he does not get mental satisfaction through his work. But the kind of work a doctor does really puts this excuse to rest. Attending patients, curing them, and saving their lives is nothing less than a social service towards a mankind. It gives you an internal pleasure and satisfaction.
  • Big bucks: A good MBBS doctor whether working in hospital, clinic or lab receives highly lucrative package and never run short of money. The earning will only go up with experience and practice. Moreover an extra income can also be generated through private practice.
  • Scope: An MBBS student can go on to do post-graduation in medical course of his choice or can specialize in any field. Many doctors go for research, consequently contributing towards new medicines and new technologies; they can also pursue M.D and even become a surgeon.
  • High in demand: The demand for an MBBS is high not only in India but worldwide. One can find a job in any city throughout the country or even go abroad for work.
Though it is not an easy task to acquire an MBBS degree, a student need to toil really hard and put his best efforts day in and day out, but if it is done correctly with passion and resilience then no feat is impossible.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The Career of a Doctor - Most in Demand and Appreciated World-over

The career of a doctor is the most in demand and respected worldwide. We all respect doctors and worship them just like God. This moral profession awards one the power to heal and provide a new life to fellow beings. It is the extreme power that any profession bestows upon its followers. In India, the ratio of doctors as compared to the entire population is negligible. The nonstop hard work attached to this line of work has kept away hordes of aspirants. The selection procedure in the Medical Colleges is a tough job, too. Despite all these factors, we should encourage the youngsters to join the profession and increase the number of seats in the good medical colleges in India.

The entrance exam to get through a good Medical College in India is not an easy task at all. And the competition after that is also cut-throat. However, those devoted and keen enough to serve humanity, slog and sweat, they continue their efforts to get into one of the best colleges in India, even if they are not able to make it for the first time. Being a doctor is not just a profession, but a passion to serve the mankind.

The rage for getting a medical degree from a reputed college is quickly rising among students. On the other hand, getting admission into a Medical college is undoubtedly a strenuous task; same as choosing the right institution.

The top medical colleges in India are considered pretty appreciable for producing great students. Most of these colleges offer a number of rewarding medical Under Graduate and Post Graduate medical courses including MBBS, BDS, MS, MDS, MD, etc.

These medical courses in India have further been filtered into several specializations like human anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, neurology, obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, psychiatry, genetics, pathology and more.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Computer Engineering - Most Preferred Technology Field in the Present Scenario

The Indian techies are always in demand, courtesy to our numerous leading institutions, which offer world-class education facilities as well as knowledgeable faculty members. It seems that these institutions have undertaken the responsibility of developing technology professionals to make the nation proud. Moreover, these universities have worked hard to fulfill the rising requirements for skilled as well as qualified professionals in all fields of technologies.

Besides education, these universities have supported in yielding international standing and garner the Indian talent to meet as well as justify the growing demands of the industries as well as corporate sector, internationally.

Dehradun being a scenic place is famous for its picturesque landscape as well as slightly milder climate. But nowadays this lovely state is very much bursting into being an education hub for engineers and IT sector in particular. While some of the educational organizations are the extension of reputed local engineering colleges, Dehradun is moreover witnessing the other hallmark with the launch of well-funded excellent private institutes.

These days with the development in IT services, the industry landscape has been changed totally and Dehradun is turning out to be an attractive destination to pursue engineering and get proficiency in the same. It requires diverse way of learning to master the skills. Every engineering college Dehradun offers you the best package of education as well as personal development.

Computer Engineering:

All engineering colleges have computer science as one of its major departments. This field is one of the most preferred ones in the present scenario, as it has high job values both inside the country as well as out of the country. Software industry is a promising industry. Job Prospects are open for both the computer software as well as hardware industry.

Computers are the answer to the upcoming technology and what better than having a professional degree in the particular field to face the challenges of tomorrow.

The constituent college of SRHU in Uttarakhand offers you to take admissions in various B.Tech, MCA, BCA programmes and enhance your knowledge in various specializations of technical fields. 

Friday, 22 May 2015

Medical Institutions in Uttarakhand – Providing High Quality Education to the Students

In past few years Uttarakhand’s education system has advanced enormously. The medical education of the state is not an exception, too.
There are a lot of medical institutions in Uttarakhand imparting good quality education to the students. These l institutions have some contemporary facilities and outstanding faculty members.
The Uttarakhand medical colleges offer both undergraduate as well as post-graduate medical courses for the students. Students can choose MBBS, BDS, MD, MS, Nursing courses, Para-medical courses etc. In addition to these, the institutions also offer numerous short term programs for the medical students.
Diverse Fields of Specializations
A few of the specializations open for the medical students of Uttarakhand are as follows:
•    Anatomy      •    Anesthesiology
•    ENT          •    Medicine
•    Neurology    •    Orthopedic
•    Obstetrics   •    Physiology
•    Pediatrics   •    Pharmacology
•    Psychiatry   •    Gynecology
Admission Procedure
Students, who aim for doing graduation in medical science from the medical colleges of Uttarakhand, need to score at least 50% marks in 12th exam, in science stream. Further, the students are also supposed to sit for a competitive entrance test. The candidates are selected according to their performance in the entrance exam. Post Graduate programs like MS, MD, etc. can be pursued after finishing Bachelor’s degree in Medical Science.
OBJECTIVES of these Institutes:
•    Impart high standard of Education to all UG as well as PG students admitted.
•    To impart the values of ethical medical practice.
•    To provide preventive as well as curative health care in primary, secondary and tertiary facilities of Uttarakhand state particularly, and India all together.
•    To come up with proficient medical teachers as well as researchers for medical and related sciences for India.
•    To produce a pool of capable medical doctors who are expert at competent community based general practice and have apt managerial as well as clinical skills to self-sufficiently run national health programmes and handle any natural calamity and epidemics.
So, if you want to pursue MBBS in India, go for an institution in Uttarakhand.

Monday, 27 April 2015

The Medical Profession - Most Appreciated World Over

The selection procedure in the Medical Colleges in India is a tough job. Despite this the younger generation is eager to join the line of work and is also the reason behind the increase in the number of seats in various medical colleges, every year.

The job of a doctor is the most in demand and appreciated world-over. We all admire doctors and worship them just like god. This saintly career grants one the control to heal as well as provide a new life to fellow beings. The selection procedure in the Medical Colleges in India is a tough job. Despite this, the younger generation is eager to join the line of work and is also the reason behind the increase in the number of seats in various medical colleges, every year.

shru - Medical Colleges India

The entrance exam to get through any commendable Medical College is a tough nut to crack. And the competition after that is cut throat as well. Being a doctor is absolutely not a cake walk. And, the profession is for those who are committed and keen enough to help people. And even if they do not make it the first time in the entrance examination, they continue their efforts to gain entry into one of the best Indian medical college, as being a doctor is not just a profession, however a passion to serve.
The medical course begins with the basic pre-clinical topics. The undergraduates at the same time get practical training in the wards as well as emergency departments, where they interact with real patients for 5 extensive years.

The program of study aims to teach standard protocols of history taking, analysis, differential diagnosis as well as complete patient Management. The student is trained to decide what studies will be beneficial for a patient and what are the best treatment possibilities. The course also contains a detailed practical knowledge and practice of carrying out standard clinical procedures. The course moreover comprises a 12 month long internship, wherein a medical student is rotated across several domains. Besides regular health care, one moreover gets an in-depth experience of ward management, staff management as well as thorough counseling skills.

universities in Uttarakhand 
The admission requirements are different across universities. Usually, students who achieve higher scores in the Entrance examinations conducted through several agencies are accepted onto the Medical course. To get admissions in Uttarakhand, students who have passed their 12th exams or its equivalent in the branch of science are suitable to apply and get admitted in the excellent universities in Uttarakhand.

Admission in these colleges is usually based on strict admission tests and the results are merit based, so as to come up with the best of doctors in India.